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On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Sean Conner <> wrote:
> It was thus said that the Great Philippe Lhoste once stated:
>> On 17/09/2012 18:08, Egor Skriptunoff wrote:
>> >On 9/17/12, Miles Bader <> wrote:
>> >>Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> writes:
>> >>>The same problem occurs with
>> >>>   print(64..s)
>> >>
>> >>But, why would anybody write that instead of  print("64"..s) ?
>> >>-miles
>> >
>> >I stumbled upon it when I was trying to write something like this:
>> >print(n+1..' rabbits')
>> Sometime, I dream of a language forcing to put whitespace around operators.
>> I believe it helps readability, and it would reduce or eliminate such
>> ambiguity...
>   Python and Go are two notable languages that enforce (to differing
> degrees) a certain coding style (Python with significant white space for
> indenting, and Go with brace placement).  It's great if you agree with the
> coding conventions; otherwise it's pure hell.
>> But I don't know if it would be popular, some programmers like compact code
>> (or hate typing, but a good IDE can help here).
>   And there are those of us who hate IDEs.  I, for one, have never liked
> them, and the last time I tried one (Eclipse, last month) it would crash
> when I atttempted to load an existing simple program (Eclipse---seriously?
> You can't even deal with a two file, pre-existing program?).
>   -spc (Never mind the fact that I have a good fifteen years experience with
>         the editor I currently use ... )

Eclipse is bloated and buggy, but don't write off all IDEs because of
it. Any programming project with more than two programmers needs a set
of programming style *standards* - not "guidelines" - and a *common*
set of tools. One programmer using Emacs and writing a bunch of Lisp
macros because he can will terrorize a project in ways frightening to
behold. ;-)

Twitter:; Computational Journalism Publishers

How the Hell can the lion sleep with all those people singing "A weem
oh way!" at the top of their lungs?