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== What is Ophal? ==

Ophal is highly scalable web platform[1], which aims to be easy to maintain, 
learn, extend and is open to improvements. Developers can create modules to 
alter and extend Ophal's core capabilities and add new features or customize 
Ophal's behavior and appearance. Zophin[2] and DBA[3] are examples of that. 
Ophal core supports themes, which customize the "look and feel" of Ophal sites.

Download! [4]

== Summary of changes ==

- Mobile support (thanks to Mobile_Detect)
- Sessions and cookies support
- Nutria Seawolf moved into Ophal Project!
- Several bugs fixes
- Less dependencies
- Installation instructions

Changes detailed in sections:
- Back-end
- Front-end / Theming and
- Installation / Deployment.

== The future ==

Ophal's next version will be the *first beta release*, which shall include:

- CGIC: File Uploads(RFCs 1867 & 2388)
- Software documentation
- Core API documentation
- Core tests

== Community ==

- Met the community at #ophal [5] Freenode's channel
- Read our Ophal Code of Conduct [6]
- Contribute modules, themes and patches, contact info [at]
- Contribute logo and mockups for, contact info [at]
- Contribute documentation [7], contact info [at]
- We appreciate your feedback! reply with your comments here

== Back-end ==

--- Core ---
- Implement native Lua function 'rawget' to jailed environment
- Add parameter 'db_id' to function db_connect(), it allows to connection to 
arbitrary databases pre-configured in settings.lua
- Add lua _VERSION to cgi header 'X-Powered-By'
- Implement session handling API (supports static cache), function 
session_start() called right after CGI init
- Implement HTTP headers handler (supports output buffering)
- Set status header 404 when can't find menu item handler
- Remove luajson and luaposix from dependencies
- Make rex_pcre an optional dependency

--- CGIC - Ophal's CGI library ---
- Add lua call to function: formRadio(). Implement C function 
- Add lua call to function: cookies() and cookieString() (Cookie support!)
- Better cross-platform compilation options in Makefile
- Make code compatible with C89, still some work pending

--- Seawolf ---
- Move Nutria Seawolf into Ophal Project, released as "Seawolf 0.6"
- Implement function temp_dir(), from Nutria Nemo
- Implement file handling functions: safe_open(), safe_write() and safe_close()
- New version of function is_writable(), copied from Luarocks 2.0.10
- Add function table_dump, copied and adapted from CGILua Project
- Make load of rex_pcre optional along with all functions that use it
- Move functions preg_split(), preg_match(), preg_replace() and 
preg_replace_callback() into seawolf.text.preg sub-module

== Front-end / Theming ==

- Implement functions add_js(), get_js, add_css() and get_css()
- Implement function path_to_theme()
- Implement functions pairs() and _SERVER() to theme environment. As well as 
Debug API
- Implement mobile support primitives (ported PHP's Mobile_Detect library)
- Allow to render external images in theming function img() using key 'external' 
in 'options' parameter

== Installation / Deployment ==

- Ophal hosting directory [8]
- Document file INSTALL.txt with instructions for Apache and Lighttpd in 
GNU/Linux Debian



Fernando Paredes García

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