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> Hi Coda,
> yes, I see, that I get only the refrence to the first table...but
> again my question:
>> > What do I have to change to get the table names ('first",'second')
>> > instead of the adress of the table 'profile" (as it seems, since it
>> > is only one adress printed) ?
> Thank you very much for any help in advance!
> Best regards,
> mcc

Did you read the code I included? I'll repeat it here:

> function profile (cfg)
>     for key, value in pairs(cfg) do
>         print( key )
>         print( value )
>     end
> end

Do note the difference between yours and mine: You're using (...)
while I'm using a named parameter. This named parameter is the table
passed to profile(), and so pairs() is iterating over its members
instead of iterating over the parameters to the function.

/s/ Adam