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On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Gavin Wraith <> wrote:
> In message <> you wrote:
>> On Jun 18, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > (No, it is not off-topic.)
>> This year's parenting craze: French Parenting [sic] [1]
>> Of special interest:  "the Pause" , not responding immediately to a
>> baby's cries...
> Nothing new there. It was called the 'Truby King method' when my mother
> was persuaded by her mother to try it out on me  in 1939. It worked for
> me, but not for my mother. One trial of it was all her nerves could stand.
> --
> Gavin Wraith (
> Home page:

I interpret the "pause" as the distance between the initial cry and
the actual wailing.

Initial_cry == "first response to injury, using the amount of air in
lungs that happens to be present at that moment."

pause == "the time it takes to inhale enough air to wail"

the wail == "the conscience part of the plea."

I find measuring this pause an effective way to determine the
appropriate ass-factor[1]. What's great about it is that my kids
generally want to cry maximum-loud whenever they are injured, but
their impatience to get to that performance is enough to stop them
from doing a proper job of filling their lungs with the required
wailing fuel. So, that impatience tends to balance with the actual
pain, which is the reflexive force behind an honest wail.

Best Regards,

Andrew Starks

[1] Ass factor: The number of times your ass leaves or touches a seat
for any given activity. Useful for evaluating the relative effort
required between two activities, especially when one activity involves
someone else doing the work.