On 19/05/2012 20:08, Carlos Pizarro wrote:
Is there any Basic or Pascal type language made in Lua?; I don't talk about modifying the Lua's C sources to do it, if not an Interpreter made in Lua itself. I know probably the Interpreter would be slow but I would like to know how make a lexical and scanning process in Lua.
Not an answer to your base question (my answer would be: "I am not aware of any of them"), but to your last sentence: Have a look at http://lua-users.org/wiki/LpegRecipes they show how to make a lexer for a language (Lua & C). Still far from an interpreter, but a good start anyway.
-- Philippe Lhoste -- (near) Paris -- France -- http://Phi.Lho.free.fr -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --