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So if there is no objection, I will put my version on Github soon.  For now I made only small changes to the code, but changed it to match the BSD source code formatting style.

Marc Balmer
micro systems,
Tel. +41 61 383 05 10, Fax +41 61 383 05 12

Am 22.05.2012 um 03:50 schrieb Tomas Guisasola Gorham <>:

>    Hi Marc and Matthew
> On Mon, 21 May 2012, Matthew Wild wrote:
>> On 21 May 2012 20:03, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
>>> Is anyone maintaing this piece of software?  LuaLDAP from the Kepler project, that is.
>> As I understand it, no. I also have an interest in it (various LDAP
>> modules for Prosody use it). I would love to see it gain an active
>> maintainer - and may have some contributions to make too.
>    I used to be the maintainer, but I cannot test it anymore (I
> used to test it against an LDAP server which is not installed anymore).
> And I am not a user of LDAP anyway.  So I think it would be better
> maintained by someone else.  Please tell me if you need any help but I
> hadn't touched that code for years!
>    Regards,
>        Tomás