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It could be tedious, yes, and OpenGL's xxxGetProcAddress() functions do work only when the context is created, but here is quick workaround for Windows:

       void* wglGetProcAddress(const char*);
       typedef GLuint (*pglCreateShader)(GLenum);
local glCreateShader = "pglCreateShader", gl.wglGetProcAddress( "glCreateShader" ) )

you would need to change wglGetProcAddress to glxGetProcAddress() or something more appropriate.

I think someone posted OpenGL ffi bindings that took care of this, have to dig the archives to find them though.

I'm actually thinking of fully moving to OpenGL ES 2 on the desktop, through wrappers such as qemu's gles-libs (dgles2 for all platforms), or angleproject (but it's Direct3D, and would not cooperate well), or on NVIDIA cards to enable it through the extensions.

This way the whole API is there that I need (I'm leaning more mobile for the stuff I want to do).

On 5/3/2012 2:05 PM, Alex wrote:
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Mike Pall <
<>> wrote:

    Alex wrote:
     > The FFI headers I'm using were parsed from GLEW on my Windows
    x64, which is
     > probably why they are there. I'll try re-processing the headers
    tomorrow in
     > Linux and see if it clears up.

    Umm, you may get into trouble if you process headers on 64 bit and
    use them on 32 bit, anyway. That is, unless you're very, very
    careful to abstract out all the word size dependencies with
    ptrdiff_t, size_t, intptr_t, uintptr_t etc. And then there are
    some libraries which have incompatible APIs on each platform,
    hidden behind a mess of macros ...

Yea, hence why I was going to reprocess them.

     > gllib = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self,k) return
    lookup[k] and
     > glew[lookup[k]] or gl[k]})
     > I'm not quite sure how else to redirect them short of using the GLEW
     > internal functions everywhere.

    The first thing that comes to mind is to cache the lookup result
    in the table.

    But the real question is why do you use GLEW at all? This may be
    convenient for C/C++, but the LuaJIT FFI offers lots more magic to
    automate all of that. There are several FFI GL bindings out there,
    and someone must have solved that problem nicely by now.

Mostly because it was an easy(er) way to use OpenGL extensions, namely
shaders, which I haven't seen in existing solutions. Though I guess with
all the trouble this is giving me it may be worth it to start using the
glext.h file...