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On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 19:00:32 +0530
forum <> wrote:

> How can I set the "package.cpath" to also search for ?51.dlls instead 
> only ?.dlls?
>  From within c/c++.

I'll just send that reply again since I think the other one isn't going
to end up on the list (apologies for the duplication if it does).

You could modify LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT in luaconf.h if you're compiling
Lua yourself.

Otherwise, something like the following untested code. Play with the
lua_pushfstring to get you the path the way you want; this version puts
your custom paths in front of the default cpath.

Also you should probably use %s and LUA_CDIR instead of "!\\" for
ultimate awesomeness.

/* Get the package table. */
lua_getglobal (L, "package");

/* Push a new path. */
lua_pushfstring (L, "!\\?51.dll;!\\loadall51.dll;.\\?51.dll;%s",

/* Set the path in. */
lua_setfield (L, -2, "cpath");

/* Done with package table now. */
lua_pop (L, 1);