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On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
>>[...] if the behaviour is undefined, why is it in the tests? :)
> Another non-written rule in Lua is that, even for undefined behavior,
> the interpreter should not crash. So, the tests must cover undefined
> cases too.
> Moreover, Lua uses whitebox testing. Many tests in Lua assume specific
> behaviors that we know it is true for that specific implementation. (For
> instance, several tests assume specific wordings for error messages.)
> This test style allows much more strict tests, which are not possible
> testing only the specification.

Those re-implementing Lua may want to take the initiative to rewrite
the test suite in a form like this:

  function unspecified(f)
    if WARN_UNSPECIFIED == 'fail' then
      local ok, err = pcall(f) -- check that it doesn't crash
      if WARN_UNSPECIFIED then
        io.stderr:write('WARN:failure in unspecified:', err, '\n')
  . . .
  unspecified(function() assert(string.gsub("abc", "%w", "%1%0") ==
"aabbcc") end)

(But I'm not sure if the test suite has a license, so I suggest
checking if it's ok to release a modified test suite.)

This also reminds me of the idea [1] of writing a wrapper around the
"_G" library so that it warns or fails upon hitting unspecified
behavior.  Incidentally, that would be one way to test the test suite
concerning unspecified behavior.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Alexander Gladysh <> wrote:
> Unspecified? Implementation-specific? Undefined sounds scary to me. :-)


The Lua Reference Manual briefly uses basically all three terms, but I
don't think it makes a distinction between unspecified and undefined.
As Roberto says, the Lua interpreter should not crash (though there
may be an issue of out-of-memory [2] without a special allocator and
in 5.1 at least certain functions could crash [3]).

Is it a true statement that Lua 5.1 allows hitting undefined behavior
in standard C but 5.2 does not?
