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On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:08 PM, KHMan <> wrote:
> strongly depressed by this kind of negative mantra. Try to apply all your
> psychology common sense.

OK, someone makes a snap judgement, the other gets miffed and
complains. What's the harm in that?  That's how equilibrium is
reached; people don't feel defenseless, and maybe some other people
think twice about being nasty. We are all adults, hopefully: the right
to growl is also the obligation to be growled at.[0]

The _particular context_; a person puts time and effort into releasing
source, expecting to get some intelligent feedback. Instead, they get
knee-jerks [1] and people complaining about grammar.[2]

Now I think I'll _really_ get back to coding...

steve d.

[0] works for wolves, although they are very much more hierarchical
than we like to think of ourselves...
[1] New word, meaning 'a person who uses spinal reflexes to post on a
mailing list'
[2] aka, 'grammar nazi'.  But it's too early in this discussion to
invoke Godwin's Law ;)