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> Er- where's the documentation?
> What does it do? What is its interface? How do I use it?
> All I see is one example program - but what else can it do?
> Does it do anything that luasocket doesn't? Is it smaller? Faster?
> Why would I want to use it over the standard luasocket?

Read the source;
luaopen_net(lua_State *L)
	struct luaL_reg luanet[] = {
		{ "connect",	luanet_connect },
		{ NULL, NULL }

	struct luaL_reg prt_methods[] = {
		{ "close",	luanet_close },
		{ "print",	luanet_print },
		{ "read",	luanet_read },
		{ "readln",	luanet_readln },
		{ "write",	luanet_write },
		{ NULL, NULL }

Looks neat, simple and small to me