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On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:19, Dimitris Papavasiliou <> wrote:
>> If you could spare a bit of time, please do release them as full Git
>> repositories on GitHub and with LuaRocks rockspecs. This way, in my
>> opinion, is much nicer for the community. You'd get, for a little
>> effort of putting stuff to Git, browsable source, bug tracking and an
>> easy  system for code contributions (e.g. forks/pull requests).
> Yes but he'd have to maintain two version of the sources as they're part of
> a larger SVN-based project.  I'm having similar problems with some parts of
> my project which are of generic use and which I'd like to release.  Perhaps
> one solution would be to allow access to the modules via SVN.  I think it is
> possible to check out a single directory of a larger SVN repository so all
> that is needed is to keep a separate Makefile and perhaps rockspecs in there
> and provide the relevant command line.  Another solution might be to move
> the project to Git which features submodules.  I'm not too certain about all
> this I'll need to look into it in more detail soon for myself.  Maybe there
> are other better solutions.

Git submodules are (or were?) hard to stomach.

I recommend using subtrees if you absolutely must join several repos
into one. Otherwise just keep them separately.
