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On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 23:33, Tim Mensch <> wrote:
> Regardless, while it's awesome here in Boulder, the points about hotel
> expense are still valid: It's hard to get below about $75/night in a hotel,
> though there's a hostel that goes down to $45/night [2]. And there are a lot
> of vacation rental options; if people wanted to double up, we could get a
> few like this one: [3] -- about $66/night/bedroom. There are other areas
> where you can get a hotel room to yourself for less than $50/night, though,
> so it depends on what people want.

Oh, well, after I've seen a modest $200+/night hotel in Nizhny
Novgorod, I'm no longer surprised by such things.
