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Thank you;
 let me paraphrase to make sure I understand:
1)  Globals live in a table called _G, any function has a variable called _ENV which is the same table unless I explicitly redefine it in which case for that function's life globals are whatever is in the table pointed to by _ENV.  (_G and DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT you  mentioned are the same thing?)

2) Local variables live on the stack which is managed by the interpreter and I don't have any special access to them except through the names of the variables.

3) Upvalues are stored when a function is defined.  

This leaves the question where are upvalues stored?  Is it in a table like _G or some hidden place?  

Also you mention sharing of upvalues, does this mean sharing of the values or the names? That is if a function defines two new functions they both see the local variables of the creating function as upvalues my question is if one of the new functions changes an upvalue does the other see the change or does each have a private copy of its upvalues?  For that matter if a function creates another and then calls the created function while the creating function is still in scope can the created and called function change the value of a local of the calling function?

On Mar 31, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Peter Cawley wrote:

> When a lone identifier, say id, occurs in a piece of Lua 5.2 code, the
> following happens:
> 1) If a local variable called id is found, then the identifier refers
> to that local.
> 2) Otherwise, if an upvalue called id is found, then the identifier
> refers to that upvalue.
> 3) Otherwise, the identifier is replaced by, and the process restarted.
> There is always a local or upvalue called _ENV, so the above process
> always terminates. When a chunk of Lua code is loaded, it is done so
> as if "local _ENV = DEFAULT_ENV" is present at the top of the chunk
> (hence why there is always something called_ENV), where DEFAULT_ENV is
> a special value pulled out of the registry. If it were defined, then
> the definition of DEFAULT_ENV would look something like:
>  print = <C function>,
>  ...
> }
> This should explain where _G comes from, and why it is equal to _ENV
> until you change _ENV to be something other than the default.
> Moving onto locals, local variables exist transiently in a magic place
> (the stack) precisely for the duration of the relevant function call /
> scope within the call. As with other programming languages, the stack
> gets re-used for the locals of future function calls.
> Finally, upvalues live as part of a function instantiation. In OOP
> languages, it is common to say that a class gets instantiated, with
> the instance knowing what kind of class it is, along with having
> copies of the call variables. In Lua, function instantiation is
> similar; an instance of a function (called a closure) knows which
> function it is, along with having copies of the upvalues (though some
> upvalues may be shared with other closures, and/or temporarily shared
> with local variables of active functions).
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Jose Torre-Bueno <> wrote:
>> This may seem naive but I am teaching myself Lua and seem to be missing
>> something important.
>> Reading the discussion of _ENV (in 5.2) I got the impression that local
>> variables were stored in the  _ENV of that function and upvalues to defined
>> functions were therefore stored in a copy of the  _ENV of the function that
>> did the definition .  I wrote the following test snippet to check this:
>> function f(x)
>> print'in f'
>> local fvar = x
>> print(_G, _ENV)
>> print(_G.fvar,_ENV.fvar)
>> function g()
>> print'in g'
>> local gvar = 888
>> print(_G, _ENV)
>> print(gvar, fvar)
>> print(_G.fvar,_ENV.fvar, _G.gvar,_ENV.gvar )
>> end
>> end
>> but this gives the result:
>>> f(1000)
>> in f
>> table: 0x100100e50 table: 0x100100e50
>> nil nil
>>> g()
>> in g
>> table: 0x100100e50 table: 0x100100e50
>> 888 1000
>> nil nil nil nil
>> Obviously things do not work the way I imagined.  _ENV is always equal to _G
>> and I don't understand where either local variables or upvalues live.  This
>> despite the fact that g() clearly is getting the correct upvalue.
>> I feel that I will not make any progress until I understand this critical
>> point.  Can anybody give some advice to a new student?
>> Thanks
>> Jose Torre-Bueno