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On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Jorge <> wrote:
> ldoc supports markdown readmes, with ldoc @{} in them. Now, if i my
> project is in github, github will show the tags as plain text.

No way around that one, I guess ;)   That's one of the reasons why
ldoc 1.2 allows lookup of names in backticks like ``, since
standard Markdown will just render this as <code>.

There is the danger that our documents end up with all kinds of
strange @ directives, but I can't think of a more elegant solution at
the moment.  For instance, when I am talking about functions in
pl.utils, then there is a directive:

@lookup pl.utils

and thereafter any @{printf} or `printf` will try to resolve with this
local context.  The idea is to save typing, of course, but the cost is
having @ in your plain

steve d.