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On 10/03/2012 11:24 AM, Axel Kittenberger wrote:
I like Lua 5.2 the way it is!
Fixed it. Great! Keep at 5.2 forever. We just wonder, what more is
there to develop, what there is to gain. Or you think 2012 was the
year, langauge development and research stopped, because Lua 5.2 was
it all. Nothing to improve, nothing to gain, nothing new to explore.

I don't know what you are doing, but I suppose you do this little math
scripts that proof some algorithmn or calculate something thing. They
run through, finished. Nice! But maybe others want to do different
things or see Lua in places further than that, and have needs to
engineer systems that go beyond little math scripts.

Roberto, Luiz, and Waldemar the Silent.
I suppose they are silent, just because they are careful to judge
things too early, and just see what comes from it. I suppose in a few
years we'll hear what they think which direction they want Lua develop
for 6.0.