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Hi all,

I would like to present new version of OpenCV wrapper for Lua called LuaCV!
This new version provides almost complete OpenCV C API ( aprox. 600
funcs, 100 objs )
Implemented modules are:
  - core
  - imgproc
  - calib3d
  - features2d
  - highgui
  - legacy
  - objdetect
  - video

Because of lack of testing time, lots of functions aren't properly
tested so there will be likely plenty of bugs. Still, implementation
was tested on official OpenCV C samples, so most of them are properly
working with LuaCV without ( or with small ) modifications.

Changes since last version are:
  - many bugs corrected
  - small but important changes in allocation system
  - OpenCV 2.3 support (OpenCV 2.2 backward compatibility)
  - Lua 5.2 support (Lua 5.1 backward compatibility)
  - MS Windows installer via NSIS framework
  - Not-so-complete documentation
  - Almost twice more OpenCV samples to test new functionality
  - Implementation of calib3d, features2d, legacy, objdetect modules

If someone will be interested in this project, please feel free to
provide some feedback or criticism.

SourceForge repo:

Jiří Prymus