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On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Axel Kittenberger <> wrote:
> I find when reading texts, that adverbs like "obviously", "naturally"
> etc. stand for "I cannot or do not want to reason this".

I'll rise to the bait ;)  First, most of us like Lua just about as it
is - "mechanism, not policy". If the Lua team were to introduce a
'class' keyword it would generate a lot of adverse comment!  Secondly,
the mechanisms provided make it easy to 'add classes'. Of course, it
becomes too easy for each to roll their own, which is where I start
using words like 'but' and 'however'.

(When I'm working in a OOP language, I work with the given mechanisms.
It's not unpleasant)

steve d.