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On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Solinsky, Jeff - PAL
<> wrote:
> Ani Wrote:
>> Can I know that the functions are to be called in the /if/ context
>> (and internally populate
>> some C data structures for the same) ?   ... hope I made the question clear.
>> Is this possible in pure Lua, or I need some add-ons ?
> If you are using standard Lua, you need a foreign function interface to call C functions that don't use the Lua stack for passing parameters and returning values.
> Alien is a Lua add-on that allows you to call C functions and has support for buffers to manipulate C structures from Lua if you must do that.
> LuaJIT has a fast function interface with support for creating and using C types built-in that is much faster than Alien and much easier for defining functions due to it's ability to parse C headers (though it has no C pre-parser support); however, LuaJIT ffi only works with LuaJIT (it isn't available for the c implementation of Lua from
> ~ Jeff

Thanks. I will read-up more on these lines.
