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On Jan 6, 2012, at 3:35 PM, Reuben Thomas wrote:
> I notice that Sean Bolton has updated Mike Pall's patch
> (, and it
> seems to be a superset of my readline "save history" patch
> (
> plus my version of rlcompleter
> (
> Would anyone mind if I withdrew my patch and version of rlcompleter in
> favour of this patch? I'd rather spend my effort where it's needed,
> and this seems like unnecessary duplication to me.

Hi Reuben,

I agree your "save history" patch seems like unnecessary duplication.  On the other hand, rlcompleter differs from Mike's patch (which I am now maintaining) in two important ways:

- With rlcompleter, one can supply a custom completion function. Mike's patch doesn't provide this ability, though it wouldn't be too hard to add it.

- rlcompleter is a module, so it can be used with a stock lua binary.  Mike's patch adds the completion and save history to the lua binary itself (which I like because I can easily change my LUA_PATH/LUA_CPATH and still have completion.)

So far, Mike's patch is all I've ever needed, but it's nice to know rlcompleter is out there.
