I am trying to read my webserver
file with MAC and IP addresses.
The following code was
offered by Luiz that really is great.
[DHCP IP: (] to MAC address
Tuesday, Dec 13,2011 19:06:03 and I would like to extract
the MAC address
[DoS attack: Smurf] attack packets in last 20 sec from ip
[], Tuesday, Dec 13,2011 07:14:20 and I would
like to
extract the IP address
and [LAN access from remote] from to Monday, Dec 12,2011 09:57:50 and I
would like to
extract the first IP address
for a in s:gmatch("DHCP.-to MAC address (.-),") do
print("MAC",a) end
for a in s:gmatch("DoS.-from ip.%[(.-)%]") do print("IP1",a)
for a in s:gmatch("LAN.-%] from (.-):.- to") do
print("IP2",a) end
I admit, I am still studying it to figure
out how it works - but
can someone offer recommendations on
opening the single file to read all this data
and creating 3 output files to each
contain MAC address, IP1 and IP2.
Sample file would be: (of course with many
multiple lines of each type.
(] to MAC address 00:16:B6:94:60:26, Tuesday,
Dec 13,2011 19:06:03
[DoS attack: Smurf] attack
packets in last 20 sec from ip [], Tuesday,
Dec 13,2011 07:14:20
[LAN access from remote]
from to Monday, Dec
12,2011 09:57:50
Hi Chuck