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Duncan Cross wrote:
> Are you certain it's MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() calling that WNDPROC
> callback itself though? My reading of the documentation for that
> function [1] is that it only waits until there is an event to process,
> it doesn't do anything about it - hence the usual calls to
> TranslateMessage/DispatchMessageA afterwards in the loop. I tried
> printing debug.traceback() in that callback - I see instances of
> CreateWindowExA(), ShowWindow(), UpdateWindow(), PeekMessageA() and
> DispatchMessageA() on the stack, but not MsgWaitForMultipleObjects().

Ah, yes, it's DispatchMessageA(). I haven't checked the Windows
docs for details.

> (I realise this may not affect the explanation/solution much, but in
> case it is significant I thought I better query this.)

Well, it was clear it's one of the functions in the message loop.
Doesn't really matter which one, though.
