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On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
>> Thanks for updating [1] the documentation with respect to resurrected
>> objects. Can we interpret:
>> "Because the object being collected must still be used by the
>> finalizer, it (and other objects accessible only through it) must be
>> resurrected by Lua."
>> to include a userdata's user value and all values the user value references?
>> [1]
> I am afraid I did not understand your question (im particular, its
> relationship with [1]).

So if we have two new userdata in global variables u1 and u2:

setmetatable(u1, {__gc = function() end)
-- u2 does not have a __gc metamethod
uservalue = {link = u2}
debug.setuservalue(u1, uservalue)
u1, u2, uservalue = nil, nil, nil
collectgarbage "collect"

My question is: can we expect uservalue (the table) and u2 to be
"resurrected" temporarily?

- Patrick Donnelly