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Pierre Chapuis wrote:
> I have written a LuaJIT FFI binding for MessagePack [1]. It
> requires a small additional C library because of the way
> MessagePack is written.

Hi Pierre,
First of all, thanks for the library.

I have a couple of comments about JITing. Basically, two things turn off
 - msgpack_unpack_next C function because LuaJIT doesn't support
   bool/_Bool in return type. If I change it to int (and "not ok"
   to "ok == 0"), v.lua from LuaJIT stops complaining about
   unsupported function. To do it properly you need to wrap
   msgpack_unpack_next but it'd be nice to hear from Mike about
   supporting bool in LuaJIT.
 - packers.table funtion uses pairs which generates a warning:
   NIY: FastFunc pairs in luajit-msgpack.lua:216
   I came accross this before with ffi.errno() function. It would be
   nice to have support for these functions but I presume it's not a
   trivial thing. Even for Mike ;-)
   Actually, you run a loop only to check whether a table has a
   non-array part and how many keys it has in total. Is it feasible to
   implement this functionality in LuaJIT and make it JITable?
