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I fully disagree. Lua is a cleaner language than the many others,
because it -did- break several times to improve itself. And the
transistion from 5.1 to 5.2 is just a small one compared to the past
evolutionary jumps it did. You are just recently aboard in a 18 year
old language that did quite well so far. Might take more a humble
approach until we know everything better? :-)

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Stefan Reich
<> wrote:
> I would like to put this very clearly: I am very much against the
> prospect of Lua 5.2 breaking ANY script written for 5.1.
> It's just a pain and it changes the impression of Lua being something
> that "just works" to something that "breaks when you upgrade it".
> Python did this with Python3 and I am still hating that. "print is now
> a function"? Oh please. Let's just break the most widely-used language
> construct for no reason.
> Python has not been the same since the 2/3 rift was introduced. I
> really really really want Lua to avoid this. 5.1 has a huge basis
> which is very important to keep sane and working IMO.
> Stefan