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2011/11/4 HyperHacker <>:
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 18:31, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
> <> wrote:
>>> Trying to port it to using the bit library is very error-prone
>> Perhaps there is a niche for a tool that converts infix bitwise
>> expressions in whatever syntax you prefer to Lua code using the bit
>> library. It's probably quite easy to write this tool with LPEG.
> I've thought about doing similar: a function that just parses a string
> like "x << (y | z)" and interprets it at runtime. Your idea though has
> the advantage that you don't have to do any variable interpolation and
> the parsing only needs to be done once.
> --
> Sent from my toaster.

It's very easy with metalua[1], see below:

    mlp.expr.infix:add { '&', prec = 35, builder = |a,_,b| +{{a}, -{b}) } }
    mlp.expr.infix:add { '|', prec = 36, builder = |a,_,b| +{
bit.bor(-{a}, -{b}) } }
    mlp.expr.prefix:add { '!', prec = 80, builder = |_,a| +{ bit.bnot(-{a}) } }

require 'bit'

print( 0xF0 & 0xAA )

you can product bytecode file with metalua, without parse it runtime.
