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On 30/09/2011 3.28, Dimiter 'malkia' Stanev wrote:
I myself have given up on mingw, and I'm staying with Windows WDK for
now - it's a bit behind certain C++ things, but only two libraries so
far I've been using are C++ and was able to patch them. This way I can
run on systems since Windows 2000 - both 32-bit and 64-bit.

BTW: using *TDM*-mingw has two big plus for me:

(1) no MS proprietary stuff;

(2) (the biggest plus) it has been patched to be "fully relocatable" (as they say), i.e. I can install it on an external HD and carry it whenever I want (i.e. it is fully "portable"). The executables in the bin subdir are able to find all the other executables they need without relying on registry settings, env vars or config files.
-- Lorenzo