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Haha :)) Nooo. This is a misunderstanding!

I was projecting 3 GB of server space to have space for multiple
versions (archives).

The Lua OS 0.9 CD image is 507 MB (download here, incidentally:

It's a remastered Knoppix plus Java, Lua and Lua OS. (Lua OS itself is
a 2 MB package...)

For some reason, if you remaster Knoppix without any changes, it seems
to turn out a lot larger than the original Knoppix CD (>900 MB).
Something is probably different in the compression they use or

So I had to delete a lot of stuff to arrive around the 500 MB mark. I
am sure this can be slimmed down a lot further.

We might want to keep some stuff anyway - printing from Lua OS would
be nice (once it can do that). We also want drivers for as much
hardware as possible.

So if anyone is inclined to slim the system some more, here's a guide
on how to master a Lua OS CD:

I got the Knoppix remastering process simplified a lot, I'm really
happy with that :) Anyone with some basic Unix knowledge can do it

So the next release might even be quite a bit smaller than those 507
MB. I don't care that much, but it would certainly simplify uploading
and spreading new releases.


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Dimiter "malkia" Stanev
<> wrote:
> What exactly do you have, that your iso is 3GB? The lua device and printer
> drivers?