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What do I want to do? With the shown code, we have created: text_01.wav,
test_02.wav, test_03.wav... Suppose the book Around the world in 80
days. Before the content of each track, I want to listen: "Around the
world in 80 days 1", "rround the world in 80 days ... When the device
plays the track, the name of it is shown in a display. But I am blind!
The name should be spoken not shown.

For each track of the book, I will create a temp wave with the name and
the number of the track and to join the temp wave with the respective
track. The two files will be created by my application, so I can assure
the sample rate and the other parameters are compatible. I don't need to
verify the possibility of concatenation. In my case, concatenation is
always possible.

Since you are running an external program (espeak) already, maybe you don't mind using an external program to join the wave files as well? A quick search pointed me to a forum thread [1] that suggests using 'sox'.

If you're running Debian/Ubuntu you can use the following command to install sox: 'sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all'

After installing sox you should be able to join wave files by simply executing commands such as: 'sox preamble_01.wav test_01.wav out_01.wav'

Good luck!

 - Peter
