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On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 7:21 AM, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
>> Hi Being still relatively new to Lua, I was wondering if the upcoming Lua Workshop presentations will be either streamed live to the Internet, or video recorded to be made available later for anyone to download ? I am interested in hearing several of the talks, it would be very disappointing if they arent recorded. Regards Geoff
> Please fold your lines...

What does that phrase mean?

> As for your question, no there will be no stream available and whether
> audio/video records will be available is depending on whether we have
> such equipment at all and whether the presenters want to be recorded.
> At least myself and one other presenter have stated that they don't want
> to be recorded.

Why would you not want that? Is it a secret talk? That is confusing.
