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Dude - whatEVER. I love Java and I love Lua and each for its own
greatness. They are so different, but each is good at things.

I tried the other Lua GUIs, they SUCK. Hard to learn, buggy, ugly, incomplete.

Swing is nice. It's a little bulky and verbose... but we know how to
use it. And large GUIs have been written in it. Take the IDEA IDE. A
very fine piece of software and it uses Swing.

"This is a Lua mailing list"?? That's your reason for bashing Java?
Sorry, but are you insane or something?

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 4:07 AM, troy wreford <> wrote:
> I think the dislike for Java here is that it is quite opposite to what Lua
> is. It's large, complex, compiled, and inflexible compared to Lua. Java has
> many benefits over Lua but this is a Lua mailing list.
> Continue creating great things, but please don't throw a fit when people
> give you feedback.

I throw a fit when I throw a fit because I throw a fit and then I
throw a fit. And then everything is good.

le Stefan

> On 2011-08-24 9:55 PM, "Stefan Reich"
> <> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:11 AM, Elias Barrionovo
> <> wrote:
>> I was thinking ...
> Yeah, because Tk is so much more Lua than Java. (What?)
>> There are Lua bindings for Qt and gtk, that perhaps would be more
>> interesting. I wouldn't know,...
> So you're a total noob, you don't even know what depends on what, you
> haven't tried anything, you haven't contributed anything, but you
> totally think that I should somehow choose another toolkit because...
> uh.... because what, again?
> This list is getting ridiculous. What's with the stupid Java hating?
> Are you really not below that?
> Why again is Qt fantastic and Java is a total problem for you? Can you
> not just look past this thing and see the potential in what we're
> doing here?
> I chose Java for GUI because I know Java. If you want something else,
> whatever. But it's not even the point.
> And all you guys do is complain about the way I make my GUI? Is your
> hatred of Java so important that you cling to that instead of seeing
> the opportunities in the project?
> God damn it.
> Be positive people and stop that insane negativity!!!! Stop trying to
> destroy. It doesn't work. Makes no sense. Let live. Create. Join in.
> Uplift. Support. Exchange. Praise.
> I'm so done with it. I won't take your negativity anymore.
> Jesus.