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On 8/16/2011 7:24 AM, Marc Balmer wrote:
Hi Marc,
>  I was unable to do this in Linux. Is that surprising? I'm more
>  familiar with OpenBSD than NetBSD. Do you think this would work with
>  OpenBSD?
It is no surprise that this does not work on Linux.  It is not made for
Linux, but for NetBSD.  I will not work on OpenBSD, since they do not
have the modules like NetBSD does.  So even if you take the source code,
you won't get it running on OpenBSD.

IIRC the kernel module system in OpenBSD is almost the same as NetBSD:

Perhaps you are referring to the fact that OpenBSD does not permit the loading of modules without rebooting:

Kernel modules *should* be port-able between all the BSD's, notwithstanding certain kernel differences. There is a growing support for Lua in the FreeBSD community, and I would be willing to help with a "FreeBSD port":