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I built 2c95dcb23c31705497c5e277558c3a43cd4f7cce after adding the line

    {NULL, NULL}

as pointed out by Tom Harris.  Next, I made files sleep.lua, compress.lua
and metamethods.lua from the three example panels in the LuaJIT
documentation, and tried them, with the following result:

$ luajit luajit-ffi/sleep.lua 

$ lua5.1 luajit-ffi/sleep.lua 


$ luajit luajit-ffi/compress.lua
Uncompressed size:  4000
Compressed size:    32

$ lua5.1 luajit-ffi/compress.lua
Uncompressed size:  4000
lua5.1: unable to convert argument 2 from lua type number to ctype unsigned int[1]
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'new'
    luajit-ffi/compress.lua:14: in function 'compress'
    luajit-ffi/compress.lua:31: in main chunk
    [C]: ?

This seems to be Issue #2: "Casting is different from luajit."
But I can't figure out what to do.

$ luajit luajit-ffi/metamethods.lua 
3   4

$ lua5.1 luajit-ffi/metamethods.lua 
lua5.1: luajit-ffi/metamethods.lua:14: attempt to call field 'metatype' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    luajit-ffi/metamethods.lua:14: in main chunk
    [C]: ?

This seems to be Todo #6.

Belatedly, I tried
$ make test
lua5.1 test.lua
lua5.1: test.lua:5: could not load library test_cdecl
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'load'
    test.lua:5: in main chunk
    [C]: ?
make: *** [test] Error 1

