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Hey guys,

I just uploaded a reviewed version of LuaPP (some might already have
heard of it, It used to be hosted under my other github name

In short it's adding a little template magic to the stackbased
programming, that is, it keeps the old programming style, but allows
'shortcuts' so tosay. For example, instead of writing:

      lua_pushstring(L, "answer");
      lua_pushinteger(L, 42);

You would write:

      lua.pushPair("answer", 42);

Using template deduction. It's likely a matter of taste, but I find
the latter easier to read and use.

It also features the Proxy class binder 'Luna' from in a slightly modified

So far I have been thinking of writing an easier to use Qt binding for
Lua using LuaPP - so let me know what you think!

Here's the source (WARNING: still contains some cruft):

In the 'examples' directory is a very basic example that demonstrates
how to bind a C++ class to Lua.