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2011/7/13 Ignacio Burgueño <>
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Gaspard Bucher <> wrote:

Openssl for Lua would be great, even if not complete...

At the top of my wish list for early features are the tools required for string signing:

1. Create pub/priv RSA keys
2. SHA1 digest
3. sign, verify

I think that Michal Kottman's fork of LuaCrypto handles most (all?) of that.


Thanks a lot for the pointer ! The pkeytest.lua does just this:

require 'crypto'

assert(crypto.pkey, "crypto.pkey is unavaliable")

k = crypto.pkey.generate('rsa', 1024)
assert(k, "no key generated")

k:write('pub.pem', 'priv.pem')

kpub = assert('pub.pem'))
kpriv = assert('priv.pem', true))

assert(crypto.sign, "crypto.sign is unavaliable")
assert(crypto.verify, "crypto.verify is unavaliable")

message = 'This message will be signed'

sig = assert(crypto.sign('md5', message, kpriv))
verified = crypto.verify('md5', message, sig, kpub)
assert(verified, "message not verified")

nverified = crypto.verify('md5', message..'x', sig, kpub)
assert(not nverified, "message verified, when it shouldn't be")


