I'm trying describe EBNF parser with lpeg library but my implementation of parser don't recognize some sentences.
local function t(s) return (P(s) * Space1) end
-- Lexical Elements
local Space = S(" \n\t")^0
local idSafe = R('AZ', 'az')
local DecimalDigit = R('09')
local MetaID = idSafe * (idSafe + P('_') + DecimalDigit)^0 * Space
local string = (P('"') * (P('\\') * P(1) + (1 - P('"')))^0 * P('"') +
P("'") * (P("\\")* P(1) + (1 - P("'")))^0 * P("'")) * Space
local SyntaxRule, Def, SingleDef = V('SyntaxRule'), V('Def'), V('SingleDef')
local Term, Primary = V('Term'), V('Primary')
local OptionalSequence, RepeatedSequence, RepeatedSequenceP, GroupedSequence,
TerminalString, Empty = V('OptionalSequence'), V('RepeatedSequence'), V('RepeatedSequenceP'), V('GroupedSequence'),
V('TerminalString'), V('Empty')
local G4 = P{"Syntax";
Syntax = SyntaxRule^1,
SyntaxRule = MetaID * t('=') * Def * t(';'),
Def = SingleDef * (t('|') * SingleDef)^0,
SingleDef = Term * (t(',') * Term)^0,
Term = Primary,
Primary = TerminalString +
OptionalSequence +
RepeatedSequence +
GroupedSequence +
MetaID +
TerminalString = string,
Empty = Space,
OptionalSequence = t('[') * Def * t(']'),
RepeatedSequence = t('{') * Def * t('}') * RepeatedSequenceP + --ZeroOrMore
MetaID * t('+') * RepeatedSequenceP +
string * t('+') * RepeatedSequenceP +
t('[') * Def * t(']') * t('+') * RepeatedSequenceP +
GroupedSequence * t('+') * RepeatedSequenceP +
Space * t('+') * RepeatedSequenceP + --OneOrMore
MetaID * t('+') * TerminalString * RepeatedSequenceP +
string * t('+') * TerminalString * RepeatedSequenceP +
t('[') * Def * t(']') * t('+') * TerminalString * RepeatedSequenceP +
GroupedSequence * t('+') * TerminalString * RepeatedSequenceP +
Space * t('+') * TerminalString * RepeatedSequenceP, --OneOrMoreSeparation
RepeatedSequenceP = t('') +
t('+') * RepeatedSequenceP +
t('+') * TerminalString * RepeatedSequenceP,
GroupedSequence = t('(') * Def * t(')')
G4 = G4 * -1 / '%0'