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On 8 April 2011 16:54, Tony Finch <> wrote:
> Matthew Wild <> wrote:
>> In general though Prosody has very nice resource usage. I like to
>> think things like string interning gives us an advantage over other
>> servers. The only sore point we've had has been with OpenSSL (and
>> partly LuaSec/LuaSocket's static per-connection buffers). With OpenSSL
>> 1.0.0 and LuaSec 0.4.1 you should see something along the lower lines
>> here: (the patches in
>> what is labeled "our LuaSec" are now in LuaSec 0.4.1).
> Presumably you are aware of this:

Yes, it's exactly the same issue (except that Prosody doesn't do the
certificate loading on every new connection like Node does). LuaSec
0.4.1 published last month includes the non-hacky fixes to the problem
(which only work with OpenSSL 1.0.0).

I'd also like to mention that I debugged the whole thing late last
year on a Linux system, so that post really annoyed me with "At this
point the Linux users are trembling, unsure how to debug the issue.".
OS X users are always trying to justify their OS :)
