Not quite, if speed is an issue you consider from start forOn Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 11:28 AM, liam mail <liam.list@googlemail.com> wrote:
> In my opinion if speed is consideration for a project, you can reproduce the
> same results as the page shows and you heavily use OO then pick the one
> which matches your expectations. In these situations speed should be a
> consideration from the start and not an after thought.
algorithmic efficience. Like log(n) instead n, etc. But all fine
tuning should be done after profiling. I can tell from several of my
projects, the actual profile came to a hugh surprise to me, instead of
the places I tried to optimize when coding. As the famous example
code, if the majority of your code only uses 5% of the total runtime,
even if you super-optimize it to zero, the total impact will be
minimal. More often than not, for me the actual profile turns out some
unimportant sounding routine taking >50% of time. And if you
concentrate all your energy on that routine, the impact will be heavy.