On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:23 PM, steve donovan
<steve.j.donovan@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Michal Kottman <
k0mpjut0r@gmail.com> wrote:
> The solution is to use tostring explicitly and call string.format as
> follows:
Yes, and the same would apply to string concatenation, etc.
Actually, the concatenation works without tostring() as shown in my example, so userdata must have implemented the __concat metamethod.
But string.format("%s") obviously doesn't call the __tostring metamethod, which looks a bit illogical to me.
In Objective-C, NSLog(@"%@") will try to call the "description" method on the object.
In PHP, this works too :
class toto { function __tostring() { return "ok"; } }
printf("%s", new toto); // prints "ok"
I think Ruby uses %p which calls the inspect method.
Objective-C uses %@ for that.
Maybe Lua should add a new modifier to string.format() that would call the __tostring() metamethod in every case.
Unless I overlooked it (in which case, sorry for the noise)...