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On Wed, 02 Mar 2011 08:52:36 -0500, RJP Computing <> wrote:

  * Can this be made to be cross-platform? (I hope so, that is a personal


This is the way I've always thought of it: break LfW into multiple parts:

* The Lua debugger integration for SciTE
* The set of combined libraries (LuaSocket, LFS, IUP, CD, IM, Penlight etc)
* The Windows installer for Lua, LuaRocks, and SciTE (and said integration)

For the library collection, make a "meta-package" rockspec that installs all these packages (skipping them if not available for the current platform, eg. LuaCOM on anything but Windows).

That way, you make it so the Windows installer installs Lua, Rocks, and the customized SciTE, then runs luarocks install http://path/to/lfw/rock.

On other operating systems you can use the native package installer for Lua and LuaRocks, install the SciTE Lua debugging configuration however (PPA, RPM, AUR, tarball...), and then run the same luarocks install as on Windows.

As far as I can tell, the main problem with this currently is that some of the libraries in LfW don't have rocks (such as IUP... hint ;))