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On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:37:18PM +0100, Gilles Ganault wrote:
> Hello
> I need to write a script to interact with a Telnet-based server:
> Alternatively, the server can also be reached through URLs, but the
> client must support cookies.
> I'd like to know if LuaSocket is the best solution for this, or if I
> should look at another add-on.

If the server does not make use of out-of-band data or terminal control
codes, then using LuaSocket would be trivial.

You'll have lots of fun implementing the state machine to cope with
Asterisk's hideous protocol, though.  (Not all actions have IMAP-style
tags, and not all of them provide responses, etc.)  Been there, suffered
that :)
