I have recently made changes to the Lanes module. Unfortunately, I’ve been notified this seems to have introduced a segfault under linux which doesn’t exhibit under Windows.
My problem is that my PC isn’t in a state where I can install linux on it, is so old it can’t even boot on a pendrive, and my CD burner is dead so I can’t even burn a live CD to boot it and see what’s wrong.
So, if anyone has a few moments to spare to help me find out what’s wrong, here’s what to do:
Fetch the head code at https://github.com/LuaLanes/lanes
Make the project
Write a simple script that does:
require “lanes”
and run it.
The program should segfault with the callstack described in the corresponding issue https://github.com/LuaLanes/lanes/issues/#issue/9
Thanks in advance,