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On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Axel Kittenberger <> wrote:
> But computers are just different, they arent a being that shares a
> context with you. I see most issues in coding with suspiction where it
> is made to either mind-read you. Or where a common decleration error
> can easily mean something different - a small hamming distance. The
> computer will take your by word and not by intention.

Yes, it's a pity...

A 'small hamming distance' is a nice way to say 'typo'.

Lua programs are still very sensitive to spelling mistakes.  In
theory, Lua could be patched so that _no global_ accesses are allowed,
except for some way to get 'imports' in.  Then spelling mistakes will
be genuine compile errors.

steve d.