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On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 17:02, Alex Bradbury <> wrote:
> On 31 January 2011 13:42, Alexander Gladysh <> wrote:
>> Um. Did anyone implement Amazon S3 API support for Lua yet?

>> Is there, maybe, some way I can motivate interested parties to scratch
>> their itch and write a decent open-source (MIT) implementation? I
>> believe that Amazon S3 technology, while being commercial, is popular
>> enough to be useful for the Lua community.

> Have you evaluated using LunaticPyton or Lupa to access a Python S3
> library?

Well, I did.

But if it will come to that, I think that I'd rather use s3cmd
command-line tool than care to bring a Lua-Python bridge as a
dependency in this project... Too many unknown variables. :-)

Thank you,