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On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 22:23 +0100, Mike Pall wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Thanks for testing the LuaJIT FFI! I guess I have to clear up some
> > misconceptions (my fault, since I haven't written the docs, yet):
> Ok, for anyone still interested: I've just added a first (rough)
> cut of the documentation for the FFI library. The tutorial and the
> section on semantics is still missing.
> So point a browser to:
>   doc/ext_ffi.html
> after pulling from LuaJIT git HEAD.
> I hope the docs clear up many of your questions. If not, then
> please ask here. Feedback welcome!

The docs are pretty clear, I imagine a great lot can be done with these
C bindings, thanks!

I have a question I wanted to ask for a long time - are there any plans
to support C++? Using a database of classes/methods/arguments, I could
replace the whole 25Mb generated Qt bindings with a single library that
generates bindings on-the-fly. This is just a dream, but I hope there is
a faint chance of it becoming true :)