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For habits only.

My programmers generally comes  from c, c++, java, js communities, they feel hard to be used to use lua's '~=', which looks very strange to them, and to us.

Also, the '--' is the same strange to us. Maybe we will be used to it one day. But we like to modify lua now, :-)

PS: We are web programmers, need to switch frequently in js, c, java, and lua.

Thanks for your care.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 11:22 AM, kevin beckford <> wrote:
> And I have added '!=' to lua source code, to stay the same as _javascript_,
> python, c, c++, java, php, and many others.

For what purpose? You can convert Lua to _javascript_ using llvm,  if
you so desire.