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It was thus said that the Great beo wulf once stated:
> Note: I don't want LuaJit
> I'm on x86_64 , ubuntu linux.
> I want to be able to, in lua, write assembly code,
> which the library then assembles, registers with the lua vm,
> which I can then call into.

  Can I safely assume you mean x86 assembly code and not the Lua VM
"assembly code"?  Also, can you give more details?  Are you talking about
something like:

function = assemble [[

somename:	push	ebp
		mov	ebp,esp
		sub	esp,#somespace
		mov	eax,[ebp+incoming]

(pardon the Assembly---it's been quite a while since I last worked in it)		

> The goal here -- if I can do this, then I don't need to write most of
> my code in C++ and then do all this bridging -- I can even write the
> compute intensive parts in lua.

  I can see wanting to skip C++, but what's wrong with C?  

  -spc (Just asking)