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On Sat, 2011-01-01 at 15:44 +0200, steve donovan wrote:
> A more dynamic solution could look like this:
> local property = {width=true,height=true,text=true}
> function Box.__newindex(self,prop,value)
>    if property[prop] then
>      local name = '_'..prop  -- i.e. actual field is _width, etc
>      if self[name] ~= value then
>         self[name] = value
>         self:update()
>     end
>   else
>     error("not a property or method",2)
>   end
> end
Nice.  Should the "self[name] = value" not better be a "rawset(self,
name, value)"?  Also: how would an auto-wrapper for a getter look like?
