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	Hi Patrick

My newest project will probably be under 1K lines of code and would work with a poorly designed layout but I want to improve my habits. I do understand PIL/modules/upvalues quite well now but I am wondering if there are different strategies for managing much larger projects. I understand that lightroom is over 100k lines of Lua and there are other large applications too. Are there numerous design patterns out there to keep people from clobbering variables and organizing this much code? Do people usually just divide their code up into many modules?
	I do.  But I do not divide code into modules to achieve privacy,
but to improve reuse and ease maintenance.

It seems that this is the main way privacy is achieved in let's say Python. Lua is a different tool and I want to learn the best way to use it irrespective of other languages.

Would a book on Javascript design patterns help with Lua?
	I don't think so :-(
