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- Subject: Short lambdas, promises, and lazy lists
- From: Luis Carvalho <lexcarvalho@...>
- Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 14:14:19 -0500
I took the laziness from this end of year holiday season to play a little with
the token filter patch, especially with the short lambda syntax. Here's a
short write-up of my findings; I'm sharing it in the hope of being useful to
somebody. :) Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
[ Short lambdas, promises, and lazy lists ]
The recent suggestion for a short, light function syntax using token filters
[1] makes for a straightforward way of defining a /promise/ as a nullary
\(exp) --> function () return exp end
To force the delayed exp, we would simply need to call the (anonymous)
A more efficient promise would, however, memoize the result. One way of using
token filters in this setup would be:
&(exp) --> function ()
local result, forced
return function ()
if not forced then result, forced = exp, true end
return result
The first notation is simpler though, and should still be fine if we
explicitly cache the result. Here's a simple module for a promise object as a
table that stores the result at its first position and a *non*-forced status at
its second position:
-- promise.lua
local assert, type, setmetatable = assert, type, setmetatable
local function force (p)
if p[2] then -- force promise?
p[1], p[2] = p[1](), nil
return p[1]
local _P = {__call = force}
return function (f) -- delay
assert(type(f) == "function", "function expected")
return setmetatable({f, true}, _P)
The token filter is still useful here to shorten the notation,
> delay = require "promise"
> p = delay(\(1))
> print(p()) -- force
and so, from now on, I will stick with the short lambda syntax.
Now, for an application of promises, let us implement lazy lists. Following a
long tradition, lists are built using cons cells, but we incorporate promises
by having a /delayable/ cons. Let us take a look at the list module:
-- list.lua
local assert, type, setmetatable = assert, type, setmetatable
list = {}
local _L = { __index = list }
local cons = function (h, t, delayed) -- delayable cons cell
assert(not delayed or (delayed and type(t) == "function"),
"function expected for delayed cons")
return setmetatable({h, t, delayed}, _L)
list.cons = cons
local car = function (l) return l[1] end
list.car = car
local cdr = function (l)
local v = l[2]
if l[3] then -- delayed?
v = v() -- force
l[2], l[3] = v, nil -- forced (non-delayed)
return v
list.cdr = cdr
return list
The first and second positions of a cons cell are, as usual, its car and cdr;
the cdr, however, is what makes the cell delayable. The second and third
positions of the cons cell are exactly like the first two positions in the
promise object: they store the function when not forced and the result after
forcing, and the non-forced status respectively.
We can already use our lists as /streams/. Here are a few examples adapted
from SICP:
> list = require "list"
> ones = list.cons(1, \(ones), true)
> print(ones:cdr():cdr():cdr():car()) -- ad infinitum
> intsfrom = function (n) return list.cons(n, \(intsfrom(n+1)), true) end
> integers = intsfrom(1)
> print(integers:cdr():cdr():cdr():car())
> fibaux = function (a, b) return list.cons(a, \(fibaux(b, a+b)), true) end
> fibs = fibaux(0, 1)
> print(fibs:cdr():cdr():cdr():car())
Let us continue with a more complete list implementation. We need a sentinel
element that represents an empty list,
local null = cons(); null[2] = null -- sentinel
list.null = null
list.isempty = function (l) return l == null end
and a filter method that discriminates lazy lists from standard lists by using
delayed cons cells:
local function filter (l, f, delayed)
if l == null then return null end
local v = car(l)
if f(v) then
if delayed then -- delayed cons?
return cons(v, \(filter(cdr(l), f, true)), true)
return cons(v, filter(cdr(l), f))
return filter(cdr(l), f, delayed)
list.filter = filter
Another example from SICP:
> notdivisibleby = function (n) return \x (x % n ~= 0) end
> sieve = function (l)
>> local c = l:car()
>> local f = l:cdr():filter(notdivisibleby(c), true)
>> return list.cons(c, \(sieve(f)), true)
>> end
> primes = sieve(intsfrom(2))
> print(primes:cdr():cdr():cdr():car())
For our next two examples we need another important routine that operates on
two lists and, like /filter/, is also delayable:
local function map2 (l1, l2, f, delayed)
if l1 == null and l2 == null then return null end
if delayed then
return cons(f(car(l1), car(l2)), \(map2(cdr(l1), cdr(l2), f, true)), true)
return cons(f(car(l1), car(l2)), map2(cdr(l1), cdr(l2), f))
list.map2 = map2
The /integers/ and /fibs/ streams can now be coded as:
> add2 = \x,y (x + y)
> addstreams = function (s1, s2) return list.map2(s1, s2, add2, true) end
> integers = list.cons(1, \(addstreams(ones, integers)), true)
> fibs = list.cons(0, function()
>> return list.cons(1, \(addstreams(list.cdr(fibs), fibs)), true)
>> end, true)
Finally, here are a couple more utilitary routines that are not delayable:
local function take (l, n)
if n == 0 then return null end
return cons(car(l), take(cdr(l), n - 1))
list.take = take
local function foreach (l, f)
if l == null then return l end
f(car(l)); foreach(cdr(l), f)
return l -- for chaining
list.foreach = foreach
Let us test our new versions:
> primes:filter(\x (x > 1000), true):take(5):foreach(print)
The short lambda token filter patch used here is due to lhf:
[1] http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-11/msg00808.html
Unfortunately, it fails when composed:
> curriedadd2 = \x(\y(x+y))
stdin:1: unexpected symbol near '\'
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
-- Pablo Picasso
Luis Carvalho (Kozure)
lua -e 'print((("lexcarvalho@NO.gmail.SPAM.com"):gsub("(%u+%.)","")))'